What to Expect

Each training preparation has three phase:

Spelling is time spent recuperating in a paddock. If your horse has no injury they will usually spell for about 4 to 6 weeks. If they have sustained an injury and need time away from training to heal, the spell may last for much longer. We spell all our own horses in paddocks nearby in Moruya, where they are checked and fed twice a day.

When your horse returns to the stables after a spell, they begin pre-training. This usually involves 3-4 weeks of slow work (trotting and cantering), followed by another 4-6 weeks of pace work. This program prepares your horse for galloping by building their fitness and strength.

The final step before your horse goes to the races is to have a jumpout or barrier trial. This is a practice race, over a shorter distance and with less horses than a real race. This is used for education in younger horses and to peak the fitness of older horses. Most horses will usually need two jumpouts before going to the races.

Most horses will begin racing over a shorter distance (1000m to 1200m), even if their preferred distance is 1600m+. Each horse if different, but usually they need 2-3 weeks between races to fully recover and prepare for their next start. The number of starts your horse has before they need a spell again depends on the individual horse but most will do 6-10 races each preparation.